
From Start to Finish: essential (sports) nutrition tips for success at sporting events

From Start to Finish: essential (sports) nutrition tips for success at sporting events

Sporting events are the perfect opportunity to test yourself physically and mentally. Whether you are an amateur runner preparing for your first marathon, a triathlete training for an Ironman, or an avid cyclist participating in a major tour, a well-thought-out sports nutrition strategy is essential for success. At 3Action Sports Nutrition, we understand the importance of proper sports nutrition and are happy to share our tips to help you achieve your athletic goals.


1. The Basics: before the race or event


One of the most important aspects of race or event preparation is storing enough energy. This can be achieved through so-called 'carb-loading' or carbohydrate loading. This process involves increasing your carbohydrate intake in the days leading up to the event to maximize your muscle glycogen stores. Choose complex carbohydrates such as whole grain pasta, rice, and potatoes. Our 3Action Carboloader can be a handy supplement to ensure you get enough carbohydrates without having to overeat. Thanks to its neutral flavor, this carboloader can also be added to any non-carbonated drinks and foods such as yogurt or pasta sauce.


Hydration starts days before the race or event, not just on the day itself. Drink water and electrolytes regularly to ensure your body is optimally hydrated. Our 3Action Hydration Tabs help you stay hydrated while replenishing essential minerals lost through sweating. In short, 3Action Hydration Tabs is an ideal preparatory drink without calories and carbohydrates to hydrate in preparation for exertion and re-hydrate after exertion.


2. During the race or event: energy and endurance

Timing of Nutrition

During the event, it is crucial to maintain your energy levels. This can be achieved by regularly consuming small amounts of carbohydrates. Use our 3Action Energy Gels and Bars to get easily digestible carbohydrates. Start by taking your first bar/gel about 30 minutes after the start and repeat every 45 minutes to an hour, depending on the intensity of the effort.

Hydration and Electrolytes

Keep hydrating! Drink small amounts of isotonic sports drinks such as our 3Action Sports Drink, which is specially designed to quickly provide you with fluids, carbohydrates, and electrolytes without causing stomach issues.

Listen to Your Body

Everyone is different, and what works for one person may not work for another. It is important to experiment with different nutrition strategies during training to know what works best for you. Pay attention to signs of hunger, thirst, or fatigue and respond immediately. Never try new foods or nutrition strategies on important race days or events. After all, you don’t know how your body will react.


3. After the race or event: recovery

Recovery nutrition

After exertion, it is important to help your body recover. Do this by consuming a recovery meal or drink that contains both carbohydrates and proteins within 30 minutes after finishing. Our 3Action Recovery Shake offers a perfect balance of both, helping your muscles recover and replenishing your glycogen stores. Thanks to the carefully composed mix of carbohydrates, proteins, and minerals, this shake provides a quick replenishment of energy reserves and promotes rapid recovery.


Continue to hydrate well after the race or event to replenish lost fluids and support the recovery phase. Water or electrolyte drinks such as 3Action Hydration Tabs are perfect for this. Good hydration with electrolytes after a race or event plays a crucial role in the recovery phase of athletes. During intense exertion, the body loses not only water but also essential electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, and magnesium. These electrolytes are important for maintaining fluid balance, regulating nerve and muscle function, and promoting muscle recovery. Moreover, well-hydrated muscles recover better and are less prone to injury. Therefore, integrating electrolyte drinks like 3Action Hydration Tabs into the post-race or post-event recovery phase is essential for athletes who want to optimize their performance and speed up their recovery.

Rest and Recovery

Give your body time to recover. Rest is just as important as training and nutrition. Ensure sufficient sleep and avoid heavy physical exertion in the days following a major race or event.



A good sports nutrition strategy is crucial for success at sporting events. It ensures that your body has the energy and nutrients it needs to perform optimally and recover. At 3Action Sports Nutrition, we are committed to supporting athletes with high-quality products scientifically developed to meet the unique needs of athletes. By focusing on the right preparation, timing, and recovery, you can maximize your performance and achieve your athletic goals.


- Michaline Lon, sports dietitian 3Action -

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